

Often times individuals need help navigating a new and stressful experiences, such as divorce, family change, or court involvement. A coach can help by providing clients with practical tools and experienced advice along the way. Coaching differs from therapy in that it is not a health care service. There is no presumption that a client has a diagnosable condition or is seeking to address a mental health condition. Coaching is not considered a health care services and is not covered by health insurance.

Dr. Hart uses a practical and educational approach to help clients improve communication with a co-parent, strengthen parenting skills, or assist clients in working with other professionals (such as an Attorney, Parenting Consultant, or the Court System). Clients can be seen individually or with a co-parent or other family member. 


Get started by calling dr. jordan hart

+1 612 479 3887

Feel free to call Dr. Jordan Hart with any questions and to get started by scheduling an appointment.
Contracts and Forms

Fill out Forms

Take a look at the forms below. Please fill out before your first appointment.

Arrive at Appointment

7841 Wayzata Blvd., Suite 202
St. Louis Park, MN 55426


Contact Dr. Jordan Hart if you have any questions.